Monday, November 9, 2015

Many Types Of World Trade Center Prints


By Mattie Knight

Even before September 11, 2001, this part of Manhattan was a well known New York landmark. World Trade Center Prints predating this event show the impressive twin towers reaching towards the sky. More recent images show the inspirational memorial that has taken their place. Whatever date the prints were created, this location continues to capture the imagination of many.

Some prints focus specifically on the once grand twin towers. In other images they are merely a part of the background and other landmarks like the Statute of Liberty or the Brooklyn Bridge are more prominent. The art is available in stark black and white images or vividly colored paintings. If you want an image of the Center, there is no doubt you will find a print you like.

The price of the prints start around thirteen dollars, while limited replications of works of art may cost three thousand dollars and more. Views range from the Brooklyn Bridge with the twin towers in the background to the firemen raising the American flag during the first stages of recovery at ground zero.

An important part of displaying a treasured print is the presentation. Some websites allow the shopper to view the selected print with various combinations of matting and frames. The print of your choice can be presented with modern or more traditional touches. Using this feature allows you to hang the artwork as soon as shipment is received.

Whether you intend to fill in a small space on your wall or fill an entire wall with a panoramic view of this special area of New York City, you can find just what you need to suit your personal environment. The magnitude of the work available speaks to the deep meaning the Center holds for so many people.

Prints that show the memorial built in the ground where the towers once stood are just as meaningful. War and terrorism are destructive and tragic, yet somehow the worst of times brings out the best in men and women. Efforts to divide people can have the effect of creating a new unity among those very same people. All the artwork memorializing this location before and after the tragic events of nine eleven prove the coming together of many minds with common thoughts.

Originally the Center was a collection of seven buildings with the twin towers looming tall over the other structures. Like any grand architectural monument, collectively the buildings were quite a spectacle. The artwork depicting the towers, the Center and the surrounding landscape are a testament to man's ability to create beautiful and powerful structures.

A personal visit to ground zero is similar to a pilgrimage to a sacred place in the sense that the experience can be spiritual. The memorial is grand and inspires feelings of patriotism. The very act that was intended to and did cause destruction also had the effect of creating a sense of harmony and commonality among Americans. Images of the World Trade Center before and after that tragic day in September are equally beautiful. The vast number of prints available are proof of the great number of photographers and artists who were touched by the architecture and the events.

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