Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Try Out Canoe Harpeth River Today


By Christa Jarvis

The river Harpeth is classified as being Class 1 and as it winds gently it does possess some Class 2 rapids. This stretches over 100 miles of running water. To be more specific, the entire river covers just over a hundred miles of water that peacefully drifts. The river however can be runnable all year round but this depends on the weather. As adventure lover you should make an attempt at Canoe Harpeth River.

The trip down the canoe river can only be described as being epic. All canoes shall be provided for by the commercial paddling provider. Also provided alongside the transportation are life vests and paddles. Transportation to and from the river will also be among the services one will be privy to. Ensure that you pack your vehicle you have arrived with in an area with shade so as to avoid returning back to it all heated up. The best service providers avail good parking places.

The Harpeth River is a slow winding river which has a few occasional mild rapids which will throw in and wake up the paddler at certain times. Some people just want to swim, fish and relax. Whatever the intention one came with, the stream is all accommodative.

The Harpeth River State park is one of the best places you can go out with friend or family. The same applies if you want a canoeing experience of a life-time. The linear park stretches over 40 miles and connects several archeological, natural and historical sites not forgetting about nine points of access.

The landowner property should be accorded with respect and no one should venture past the areas specifically indicated for one to stop. At the vicinity one should not litter whatsoever. All litter you might carry should be collected back for disposal at another location or place. Serenity of the place has to be maintained.

As one ventures downstream, one will be able to view the tunnels outlet. If you intend to have a perfect swim, this outlet is the best place to have one. As the paddlers proceed on they will arrive at a bridge that contains a sizeable gravel bar.

In its entirety, the trip can last for a whole day. Irrespective of whether you are scout troops or on an adventure, it will be of great fun. Despite this there are those people who find venturing into such a place for a single day to be very incomplete. Such people will arrive with their supplies and provisions as well as fully loaded canoes. When arriving fully stocked such people prefer spending long time periods paddling along the stream. The Harpeth River does provide you with excellent opportunities for longer trips. They can begin all the way in Franklin down to Cheatham Dam. Such a trip stretches for 100 miles and will ensure that the paddlers stay out for several days.

As the paddlers pass via the Montgomery Bell Tunnel they will be able to have a vivid feel of marvelous work. This was done by the people back then who using hard chiseled through solid rock to create the beautiful opening. Despite it being spacious enough for a canoe to go through it is still highly dangerous.

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