Sunday, November 16, 2014

Different Types Of Chocolate In The Culinary Arts


By Jennifer Marie Anderson

When it comes to the best ingredients in the world, chocolate should not be overlooked. Not only is it able to be used to create a number of recipes but, in a number of cases, it is pretty satisfying on its own. Of course, many chefs are going to want to prepare different types of food with chocolate, which means that an extensive degree of knowledge is going to be required. These are just a few subtypes that you should be able to recognize.

To start off, you should understand the importance of unsweetened chocolate. Keep in mind that this chocolate's taste, while recognizable, is not exactly the sweetest, meaning that you're probably going to eat it on its own. More often than not, though, chefs have taken it upon themselves to bring this type of chocolate into different recipes, resulting in the creation of desirable confectioneries. These include - but are not necessarily limited to - brownies and cookies.

Semi-sweet chocolate stands as a level higher, in terms of taste, from unsweetened. Specifically, if you want to be able to use semi-sweet chocolate for more than one purpose, you have the opportunity to do so. Even though this ingredient may be used for baking a variety of sweets, it can just as easily be eaten on its own, since it has enough sweetness to be enjoyed. However, seeing as how its taste is not exactly affected by other ingredients, it's another subtype for chefs to look into.

Finally, think about incorporating white chocolate if you have the taste for it. Keep in mind that since white chocolate does not necessarily have cocoa solids - these are key for chocolate, in general - it can still be used for culinary purposes. In addition, it has a somewhat lighter taste to it, meaning that those who aren't into conventional chocolate may use this instead. It can also make for a tremendous icing or coating if you are looking for ways to finish off cake, pastries, or other treats.

It's important to understand that chocolate, in many cases, is crucial for the culinary arts to be fulfilled. As you can imagine, though, there are various types that should not be overlooked. One recipe that you're looking to create is probably going to require a different sort chocolate than what is needed for another recipe. In any event, make sure that you weigh your options so that you are able to pinpoint the ones best suited for each endeavor.

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