Saturday, August 30, 2014

Florida Keys Best For Spearfishing


By Harriet Porter

The quest to conquer and explore is part of human nature. One thing that should be on any adventurer's bucket list is to go spearfishing in Florida Keys ! It is one of the most idyllic venues for this popular water sport. Azure blue waters teeming with fish and other marine species annually lure thousands of visitors to this tropical paradise which reminds one that heaven is a place on earth.

The long, unspoilt stretch of keys harbors some of the best spearfishing locations on earth. Add the lukewarm water temperatures with high visibility and it truly is a diver's aquatic paradise!

Some of the most sought-after game fish species like the black grouper and mutton snapper breed and feed on the live coral reef to the south of Miami, providing an infinite supply of prey for eager spear fishermen. Scuba diving equipment is allowed in the area and it is a famous hot spot for divers and hunters from all over the world.

Hunting fish with a spear is one of the oldest sports mankind has embarked upon since the earliest times. Sure, the technique and equipment might have improved over the centuries, but the thrill of getting close to these evasive creatures for the kill, is still the same. Whether you look for these marine beauties from a boat or shore, in blue waters or fresh water locations, it remains an adrenaline boosting activity that still appeals to the primitive hunting instincts in most menfolks.

Spearfishing is, like any other water sport, not without risk. Exploring the depths and secrets of the ocean on one's own, is sheer folly. One should always dive in a group, or at least with one trusted friend on a similar level of experience. The Florida Keys may be renowned for its breathtaking beauty, but beneath the turquoise waters lurk many a hungry predator. Lemons, bulls and nurse sharks are known to frequent the waters around spear fishermen, always on the lookout for a cheap meal. Speared fish should therefore be put in a strong game bag and tagged along at a safe distance to keep the predators of the underwater world at bay. No matter how wonderful the experience is, one should always be cautious when there are loaded guns, sharks and deep waters involved.

Spending hours in the sea in pursuit of dodgy prey requires good swimming skills as well as physical strength and fitness. Therefore it is important to practice regularly and to keep fit and strong.

Having the right equipment and keeping it in good condition is equally important for a safe and successful spearfishing experience. A good dive knife is highly recommended - not only for killing speared fish humanely, but it might also come in handy when you have to disentangle yourself or a diving buddy from seaweed, bamboo or fishing lines. Spear guns must always be kept in good working order and handled with extreme caution - both on land and offshore.

There are many companies across the globe that offer intensive training in various water sports, including spearfishing and chartering. The sport is strictly regulated and it is important to find out more about a diving spot and its regulations before one takes to the water!

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