Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Basic Tips For Success On Mongolian Tours Hunting Trips


By Eliza Mendoza

One of the best things about going hunting is you can always learn new and interesting things to try to incorporate into different techniques to make hunting more enjoyable and successful. It is fun to share these various ideas with good friends so they can also become better hunters in the future. Mongolian tours hunting for food or sport is basically like hunting any other area. As luck goes, there are several different tips or hints anyone can use to have themselves more fun while being more successful.

When moving through the underbrush always move as slow and as quietly as possible. Many hunters become overzealous and make too much noise that alerts their prey that they are near them. A good trick is to move a few steps and pause for two to five minutes. This lets you watch what is going on around you and listen for any movement.

When animals travel through the underbrush they generally make little noise. When they notice grass crackle or twigs snap, they realize something is around the corner. This frightens them, and often they can remember this overpowering fear up to many weeks. If you do make a loud noises, stop and wait for at about 5 to 10 minutes until things settle down.

Noises are often the biggest giveaway to a human presence in the forest. When people walk they have a particular cadence or rhythm with their steps. When you walk step lightly and try not to use a broken rhythm as you step so you blend in with the background. The idea is to try to sound as much as possible like a small animal scrambling around.

Pick out any landmarks carefully. No one wants to get lost and often when you are attempting to carry a weapon and the wild game you shot makes it much harder. Generally, this becomes surprisingly more difficult as darkness falls and the moon comes up. Choose nice landmarks and put them into your mind so you can easily find them even in moonlight.

If you want to get to a camp early, use a smaller tent to make a shelter for yourself. This also cuts down on your sent flooding the surrounding area. Ensure you also bring a nice sleeping bag and a sleeping mat to place under it. Without the mat, even in a tent you may not be able to stay warm.

Never try to carry a cocked and loaded gun. This is simply asking for some thing tragic to happen. Even seasoned hunters will forget this and believe it is alright for them due to their experienced. It will often only take a single round to kill some thing. Most people can load a round in just a few seconds.

When you are done with your Mongolian tours hunting for the day always clean your weapon up. Many hunters will put it aside thinking to get to it later and never do. Not only is this hard on the weapon, but could cause you to miss your next big hunt.

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