Friday, May 3, 2013

The Many Types Of Southern Style BBQ


By Alison Wilcox

There are many different ways to prepare southern style bbq. However, smoking your bbq seems to be a popular way for southerners to cook their meat. You will even find that many bbq restaurants own their own smoke houses. That does not mean that you have to have your own smoke house to get the same wonderful flavor.

You could simply use a grill to smoke your meat. However, if you plan to smoke a lot of meat then you might also want to look in to buying your very own smoker. You may actually be a little surprised at just how affordable they can be. You also may be surprised to find that there are a lot of different types for you to choose from. If you plan to bbq then this is just the first of many decisions.

The first thing you have to do is decide on the type of meat you will use. Most people prefer to smoke pork down here in the south. The next step is gonna be finding the right wood chips. This is very important because your meat is gonna get most of it's flavor from these chips. You can ask a lot of people which chips to use and your probably gonna get a variety of answers. Some people have even come up with their own combination of two or three different chips mixed together.

Once you find the best chips for you bbq, it's time to move on to the seasoning of the meat. Now this step depends on what you like. You can marinate your meat if you want, you can use dry rub, or some people prefer to not use anything and let the natural flavor of the meat take over.

You may find that many of the bbq restaurants down south like to use dry rubs for their pork shoulders. That is not a problem if you do not like that type of bbq because these places usually have many different types of bbq to choose from. One of the favorites down south is the bbq chicken.

Just like with your pork there are a lot of different ways to bbq it. Some people like to brine their chicken first so that is does not dry out. You also have the choice of dry rub or marinade. One of my favorite ways to do chicken is to smear wet bbq sauce on it and then slowly cook it so the sauce gets all sticky.

BBQ ribs is an all time southern favorite. You have the choice of pork or beef ribs. After you make that decision, you have to make the decision on how to flavor your ribs. Just like with chicken and pulled pork you have a lot of different ways to season your ribs. There are so many amazing types of bbq for your to choose from and they are all wonderful.

When cooking southern bbq it is really up to you to decide how you like yours done. So you see, southern style bbq can be made many different ways. It is not just one way of cooking or one way of flavoring your meat.

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