Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Home Insurance and Working from Home


By Liza T. Adams

Working from home is becoming more common in these modern times. Many employers are allowing workers to operate as remote-workers for a number of reasons, including increased productivity. In order to succeed, follow these important tips to be more efficient:

Make sure you create a space for yourself that actually defines your office or work space. This area should be away from other parts of your home, so you can stay more efficient and have less distractions that will decrease your productivity. A part of a room could be your work space, it doesn't necessarily have to be the whole room. Treat that area how you would treat your work space at the office. This will also help keep you from over doing it, and working when you should be enjoying down time.

Visit your accountant and review the possible tax deductions you can now make. You don't want to miss out on money-saving tax deductions that you may be eligible for. Expenses related to work can usually be deducted from taxable income, when a person works solely at home. Supplies for the office, insurance, utilities, a part of mortgage or rent are some of the eligible claims people are allowed to make. There are requirements, however, to qualify for this deduction. To understand the requirements better, speak to your tax advisor.

Try to set a realistic schedule that you can maintain over the long haul. Self-discipline can really be the end of many individuals when they chose to work from home. Effectively managing self-discipline is something that winning people are able to do. In order to stay on task you will want to set a schedule for yourself and get into some normal routines for getting your work done. Set deadlines so you stay motivated.

Networking with colleagues and other co-workers is important, so be sure you keep your relationships solid. Working by yourself from the home can bring on feelings of isolation at times. You can still maintain the interaction from your work place, and benefit from the feeling of community from your colleagues. There are benefits from the social connections that people make at work, that when working in isolation from home, can be something that they miss. Be sure to get out and interact with people in the community, meet them for lunch perhaps and get outside. If possible, make plans to see office friends after work and on the weekends. Go outside often, and enjoy the outdoors instead of being inside all day and night. Perhaps taking the bicycle out for a ride each day will be something you enjoy, or even just a simple walk is helpful.

Finally, talk to your home insurance provider and inform them of your work from home change. Be certain that your insurance policy still has you fully covered, and if the new situation requires it, make the necessary changes.

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