Saturday, May 4, 2013

Beware Of The Following Before You Buy Gold San Antonio


By Wanda Vaughn

The lucrative precious metal market in the United States is a source of wealth and a hub for investment to astute investors. The market has grown rapidly in the past decade and is estimated to have hit the fifty billion dollar mark last year in terms of circulation. The lucrative nature of this business has unfortunately attracted a number of unscrupulous traders who take advantage of the inexperience of buyers to swindle them. A number of considerations need to be made as you buy gold San Antonio.

When purchasing this metal, investors are advised to desist from paying too much. After all, it is a commodity like any other and should be correctly valued and priced. The national mint provides a guideline of a markup that is between five to eight percent. Investors must therefore avoid buying from dealers who fix the markup above that range. Nevertheless, some special edition coins exist in currency market and have a high numismatic value. This means that their value is much higher than the intrinsic value of their gold content.

Numerous buyers have bit their fingers in regret after purchasing precious metals based on its historical value. Shrewd dealers commonly use the bait and switch technique to swindle buyers into purchasing worthless coins under the premise of high historical value. In many cases, old coins are usually not worth more than their melt value.

The concept of fractional coins has for a long time been a source of loss to many inexperienced buyers. These are tokens that are made in fractions of the ounce such as quarter or half an ounce. In most markets, dealers sell these tokens at a higher bounty than the corresponding full bodied tokens. This means that customers get less metal content for higher prices.

The rising phenomenon of phone salesmen has caught on even in the precious metal market. However, this presents a looming danger of getting into transactions without subject matter. On a number of occasions, customers have been lied to regarding the quality and quantity of precious metals by scammers. Other telemarketers dupe customers into providing sensitive information such as social security and credit card numbers.

A number of dealers have been pushing coins on the falsehood that they are about to be confiscated by the government. This is usually a lie in reference to one rare confiscation that happened during the government of President Roosevelt. Nonetheless, since the United States long abandoned the Brenton standard, traders are free to transact and there is no risk of confiscation.

Customers are advised to resist from purchasing precious metals on debt. This is because the value of such metals is volatile and may dip in a short period. This may mean that the investor will have to reach into their pockets to finance the debt yet they may never recover any profit.

There are quite a number of considerations to make before you buy gold San Antonio. Dealing with an experienced, honest and ethical trader is one way to ensure that you get the right value for the product. Other sources of information such as the internet, friends and family may also be resourceful in such matters.

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