Friday, April 26, 2013

Outdoor Christmas Decorations


By Juliette Crane

Getting the right outdoor Christmas decorations can be a great way for you to enjoy the spirit of the holidays. It is already September, and although Christmas might still seem a little bit far away, that is no reason why you should not start to gather together some good outdoor Christmas decorating ideas right now.

You can always tell the houses that have put a lot of effort into getting the perfect outdoor Christmas decoration together, and the houses that simply have not.

Outside decoration in general is important, but outdoor Christmas decorations are the most important of the whole year! Many people think that Christmas decorations outside have to be a whole new thing, completely separate from any other decorations that you have used the rest of the year, but that just is not the case. One the contrary, your Outside Christmas Decoration can really build on what you already y have in your yard. As a matter of fact, if you want your Outside Christmas Decoration to look really good, it almost has to build on how things already look.

Just dressing up your trees with Outside Christmas Decorations can go a long way towards making your yard look spectacular. And once you throw in outdoor Christmas lights around your windows, it will make your home look cheery and festive like you would not believe. But you can do other things as well to capitalize on the outdoor decorations that you already have all year round. For example, you can put red and blue cellophane over the porch lamps, or replace the bulbs with blinking Christmas ones. Another simple way to accentuate your house for Christmas is to line your walkway with paper lanterns. Cheap, beautiful, and so easy!

My husband was just as shocked as I was. We laughed about it that night after dinner. We decided that the next day, we would put our outdoor Christmas decorations out and hopefully our neighbors will learn some things from the simplicity of ours. We aren't the type to go overboard. That night, there was an annoying glow that shone in our bedroom window from the lighted outdoor Christmas decorations of our neighbors. I fell asleep wishing there would be a power outage on my street.

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