Saturday, February 2, 2013

History of Algeria :



Algeria lies on the northern block of Africa. The country is independent and boasts of a rich culture and a surplus nation. The country is largely Muslim. The country has been plagued by terrorism with Islamic jihadists occupying cells and causing chaos often. The recent past has seen terror operatives find harbor in Algeria. This gave a blow to the local people but efforts to rid the country of such elements have been beefed up and have been quite successful. Algeria is a country that has an interesting history. The country's history dates back to the 16th century.

Algerians find their roots to the Berber dynasty. This dynast declined between the 15th and 16th century. A dynasty called the Dey dynasty was established in Algeria. Pirates who were establishing bases across Africa first landed at the coast of Algeria in 1512. The pirates made a camp there until the French intervened. The French maneuvered to eject the Turkish pirates along the Algerian coast.

Research about the Algerian history reflects on what the North African trade empires operated. The rich culture of North Africa was spread throughout the region and Algeria was not an exception. The Muslim religion became widespread and today, Algeria is largely Muslim. The rich history of Algeria also features the culture of the Algerians. Their economic activities, their way of government, social economic activities and their politics is also part of their history. History of Algeria traces back a long way of changes and reflects the rich culture and highly esteemed traditions.

Kum Martin is an online leading expert in travel industry. He also offers top quality articles like: Egypt Archeological Work, Ghana Physical Characteristics

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