Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Camp Comfortably With These Tips And Tricks


By Craig D Edwardson

Many people like the experience of camping outdoors. The best way to maximize any camping excursion is to arm yourself with knowledge of the most useful tips and tricks. By taking time to learn from the advice below, your upcoming trip can become the best trip you've ever had.

Master a map and a compass before heading out for your trip. It is still possible to get lost at the camp grounds even though you have already been there, because campsites look similar. You can avoid a possible disaster by becoming knowledgeable about using these items that can save your life.

Buy a sleeping bag which will suit the weather you will be in. If you bring a sub-zero sleeping bag to go camping in mid-summer, you might find that you are sweating all night long. Also, during the winter, you should bring a sleeping bag that has down or heavy material. You might develop hypothermia.

If you go camping in a public place, be sure to keep lights off or set them on times. Some people forget to turn off the awning lights from their RV, and they stay on all night. This is unjustified and can cause disruption of the campers around them.

Set up camp before the sun goes down. It's hard and frustrating to set up a tent in the dark. If you wait until dark to pitch your tent, you will need to build a fire or light several lanterns to ensure you can see to pitch your tent correctly. It is basically easier to get your campsite set up before it gets dark and you are not fumbling around in the dark.

If you go out camping with kids, have a photo of them on hand. If you lose them at some point, a picture will be very helpful to local authorities. Always have one on you for emergencies.

You should always bring a spare utility knife when camping. This knife is a must-have for campers, and you should have a spare in case something happens to the first one.

It may sound obvious, but the great outdoors is not yours to do with as you want. You should never litter or damage anything you find at your campsite. Look to leave your site just like you found it. This preserves the land for your next trip and future generations.

Make sure that you choose a sleeping bag that fits the temperature of the region you plan to visit. For example, summertime camping calls for a lightweight bag that helps you stay cool. When it's wintertime, it's a good idea to get a thicker bag so you're not too cold.

Even if you're roughing it, you can better your camping experience by bring a small luxury. Bring along something lightweight and easy to carry, like a little bit of cream for your coffee or a candy bar. These items can make your trip as pleasurable as possible.

If you are not prepared for your camping trip, your fun excursion can turn dangerous fast. That is why it's important to prepare in advance and prepare well. If you are going to a new place, make sure you do some research about the local wildlife, as well as the local geography and climate.

Be sure to bring along lots of pocket or dryer lint. If might sound odd, but lint can help you start a campfire. Lint creates a much hotter fire than sticks do. Collect the lint from your dryer for a couple of weeks leading up to your trip and you'll be rewarded with a quick, bright fire.

Don't be afraid of bringing too much if you have kids. Camping can be messy. Children seem to be dirt magnets. This means that by day's end your children and their clothes can be quite soiled. You can't avoid the dirt, but some extra clothes will help out. Be sure you're prepared!

At the end of your camping outing, try to leave the site cleaner than you found it. You will want to bring trash bags for cleaning up all refuse. Don't forget to pack up your leftovers. A good rule of thumb is to only leave your footprints behind.

With the great information in this article, it will be easier to enjoy a great camping trip. Make sure to remember this information when you plan to go camping next time. They can help you remember what you need and make it the most wonderful camping trip you have ever gone on.

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