Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Algerian Paints/ "Man playing the flute", oil on canvas, Juanita Guccione (1904-1999) :


"Man playing the flute", oil on canvas, Juanita Guccione (1904-1999), This American artist has arrived for the first time in 1930 Boussaâda. There, she married Ben Mabrouk Chahaba Benaissa. Djelloul, her son, later as an heir, sold to "Sonatrach" (Algerian Company)  in 2004, 174 paintings made by his mother in the area south of Algiers. These will be delivered in 2012 as a donation by Sonatrach, the Museum of Fine Arts of Algiers.

"Man playing the flute", oil on canvas, Juanita Guccione (1904-1999). 
